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    Ott & Lee Funeral Home in Forest, MS

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    4. Ott & Lee Funeral Home in Forest, MS
    Ott & Lee Funeral Home in Forest, MS
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    Welcome to Ott & Lee Funeral Homes. We understand that losing a loved one is a difficult and emotional experience. Our goal is to provide comfort and support to families during this challenging time by offering compassionate and professional funeral services.

    With our experienced staff and accommodating facilities, we are here to serve you and help you create a meaningful and memorable farewell for your loved one. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized and dignified services that reflect the unique life of your loved one.

    At Ott & Lee Funeral Homes, we are honored to assist you in your time of need. We strive to make the funeral process as smooth and stress-free as possible, so you can focus on healing and remembering your loved one.

    If you have any questions or would like to schedule a visit, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated staff is here to support you every step of the way.

    Learn More 1360 W. Government St. Brandon, MS 39042 (601) 824-6018

    295 East First Street Forest, MS 39074 (601) 469-3412

    OTT & LEE FUNERAL HOMES Find a location that best fits your needs

    Brandon 1360 W. Government St. Brandon, MS 39042 (601) 824-6018

    Forest 295 East First Street Forest, MS 39074 (601) 469-3412

    Morton 3555 Hwy 80 Morton, MS 39117 (601) 732-6571

    Lakeland Place Memorial Park 6004 Highway 25, Brandon MS 39047 (601) 992-7590

    Contact Details
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    295 E 1st St, Forest, MS 39074, United States

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    (601) 469-3412

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