Patterson Memorial Funeral Home Inc. is a reputable funeral home and cremation service located in Fayetteville, NC. Our dedicated team of funeral directors understands the difficult emotions and challenges that come with losing a loved one, and we are here to guide and support you through every step of the funeral service process.
We prioritize providing a safe and comfortable environment for you, your family, and guests, especially during these uncertain times. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented several measures to prevent the further spread of the virus. We strictly adhere to the guidelines set by the Governor's executive order, which limits mass gatherings to 50 people or less. Private family viewings and public viewings will proceed as scheduled, while visitations and wakes will not be allowed. We have also enhanced our sanitation practices and practice social distancing to ensure your safety.
We kindly request that if you are feeling unwell, please stay at home. You can convey your condolences through our website, which provides a convenient platform for sharing your condolences and memories. Moreover, we encourage limiting physical contact with other funeral attendees, such as avoiding hugs, handshakes, and kisses. Instead, consider alternative methods of greeting people. Additionally, regular handwashing and sanitizing are strongly encouraged to maintain proper hygiene.
At Patterson Memorial Funeral Home Inc., we closely monitor updates and guidance from various organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the North Carolina Division of Public Health, the National Funeral Directors & Morticians Association, and the North Carolina Board of Funeral Service. We adapt our operations as necessary to ensure compliance with the latest guidelines to protect both our staff and the community.
We understand that the loss of a loved one can be overwhelming, leaving you with unanswered questions, grief, and stress. Our experienced funeral directors are here to provide compassionate, dignified, and respectful guidance throughout the funeral service arrangements. We offer a wide range of services, including casket choices and funeral flower arrangements, all tailored to meet the unique needs of each family.
We take pride in our honest service and commitment to excellence, which have been our hallmarks for many years. You can trust us to assist you in your time of need, whether you are seeking information about an upcoming service or making arrangements for one. Our website provides valuable resources and information to help you navigate through this difficult time.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our funeral home operations, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 1-910-802-5088. We are here to provide the support and assistance you need.
Thank you for considering Patterson Memorial Funeral Home Inc. We are honored to serve you and your family with the utmost care and compassion during this challenging time.
"In the Heart of the Community with the Community in our Hearts!"