Our funeral home offers a range of service packages designed to accommodate diverse needs and budgets. For those seeking a simple yet meaningful farewell, our Direct Cremation package begins at $1,995. If a traditional funeral service is desired, our package starts at $5,800 and includes a choice of Steel caskets, same day visitation, and service.
Additionally, we provide Traditional Cremation Funeral Service packages starting at $5,895. These packages offer a Rental or Cremation Casket choice, along with an Urn and Cremation. For a comprehensive understanding of the packages' inclusions, we are readily available to discuss further by phone or in person.
At our funeral home, we understand that each individual and family has unique preferences and requirements. Therefore, if you do not find exactly what you are seeking among our packages, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here at your convenience and will gladly assist you with any specific requests.
We believe that a funeral is an opportunity to honor your loved one's final wishes and provide solace to your family. Therefore, our dedicated team is committed to helping you within the boundaries of your budget. We recognize the significance of this occasion, as a funeral can only be done once.
To address any queries regarding a loved one in our care or to learn more about the array of services we offer, please feel free to call us anytime at 610-867-4617.
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Lastly, we extend our heartfelt sympathy to families experiencing loss. We understand that it may not always be feasible to offer personal condolences, which is why we hope this small token of comfort and beauty will provide some solace.