Find peace of mind with our Funeral Repatriation and Transfer services! Funeral Transfer and Repatriation with Speed and Low Cost! Simplifying complexity. Affordable prices. Compassionate care. Ensuring the tranquility of your loved ones. With the incredible support of PADREF, you and your family receive the care you deserve. With just a few basic documents, you can easily and quickly arrange your funeral plan and transfer via phone or WhatsApp. Convenient and efficient. Funeral transfer is a service that allows for the safe and compliant transportation of a body between cities, states, and countries, following all legal and sanitary regulations. This transportation can be done by road or air, depending on the distance between the location of death and burial. Simplifying complexity. Affordable prices. Compassionate care. We are here to assist grieving Brazilian families anywhere in the world. • • +1 (61) 7203 – 7070 • 3514 - Harken Circle, Tampa - FL - 33607 © 2022 PADREF - Global Funeral Transfer. All Rights Reserved.